About Me

Hello my MG friends! My name is Denali Young. Yes, I know strange name. But also a unique one! I am 19 years old and am waiting faithfully for a missionary to come home in August of 2015. I am a student at the University of Utah and am majoring in Human Development and Family Studies. I am a little sister, daughter, and auntie! I love my family and they have been very supportive throughout this entire journey. I, like most of you, have a hard time without my missionary with me. I am learning new skills and doing what I can do be the best Denali I can be when Josh comes home! Yes, that's a difficult thing to do, especially since I miss him so much that I just want to sit in my bed all day. BUT! We can't do that! My hope for this blog is that it will help one of you. To give you hope and encouragement to keep going! If I can encourage one missionary girlfriend then this blog was a success! I love helping people and I love chatting, if any missionary girlfriend needs questions answered or just a fellow MG to talk to, I am more than happy to try to help! Please e-mail me! Keep going, push on, and wait on! Love to all!

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